Important documents for parents.
Parent Resources
A list of many parent resources can be found on this page. We’ve tried to organize these resources by category for ease of use.
McKinney-Vento Resources
Services to Homeless Students
Children and Youth Experiencing Homelessness
Local Policies - FFA
Affordable Connectivity Program (ACP)
AHS Course Selection Guide 2024-2025
Credit by Exam Parent Information
Memorandum of Understanding of Dual Credit Agreement Between AISD & SRSU
Facility Use Request Form
Gifted/Talented Services Referral Form (G/T Nomination Form) - English
Formulario de referencia de servicios para dotados /talentosos -(G/T Nomination) - Spanish
Dyslexia Overview
Overview to inform parents and educators on the basics of dyslexia. It covers the requirements that Texas school districts are responsible for in the implementation of a dyslexia program.